Rough sketches for group project

Rough sketches for group project

our assignment is a group project and in our group we came out with the idea of futuristic bus which transports itself through the air and what we decided was that we would go and write up our own concept story towards it and design the bus and we would come back and pick out ideas to create a reasonably good story out of all the ideas so tat everybody has contributed, so ive started off with some rough sketches towards our group project

Planning For My Personal Work

Planning For My Personal Work

these are designs for the hover board I’m planning to create and i got some sketches of a person on and how it would look, it would be like a skate board with some adjustments made to it which would make it look like a mini vehicle, it has its placements for where you put your feet in if you was to buy one, you would have to buy one with your size foot so that it doesn’t come loose and its got a tight grip to your feet.