Development of Secondary vehicle

Development of Secondary vehicle

this is the development of another of my secondary vehicles that will be added to the final sfx video, with some images that Richard sent me i copied the idea and changed it round a little, started developing them on Sculptris before sending it off to Richard again to get materialized



A Basic story board of what i have in my head of how the story would go which starts from walking out the james graham building going on the device updating the travel to the bus coming into the scene and him walking towards the bus with a shot later of him in the bus in the air.

The Gadget

The Gadget

With the gadget that i came out with to design it there were a lot of ideas but id have to go back to the group so that they could check on which one would be good so that we can all agree on something so i just carried on designing them from watching to phone apps to the card that i came out with in the first place

Writing up ideas for the concept

Writing up ideas for the concept

Our assignment is a group project and in our group we came out with the idea of futuristic bus which transports itself through the air and what we decided was that we would go and write up our own concept story towards it and design the bus and we would come back and pick out ideas to create a reasonably good story out of all the ideas so tat everybody has contributed, so ive started off with some rough sketches towards our group project, My ideas were that a normal student would walk outside the james graham building and have a gadget that i came up with where, it would the ultimate ID having everything in it ranging from finance to travel cards such as national insurance, provisionals, passports would be left with the old generation as this gadget that would emit a hologram screen and scrolling through giving you whatever information you want if its updating your travel information and balance to checking your bank statements with your card and it would also do the job a normal cash card would do. So that would be fun in doing and after he updates his bus balance the bus would land and he would get on.