3D Graphics – Omni Lighting

3D Graphics - Omni Lighting

i can honestly say that this is what i mostly struggle with finding the correct spot for lighting because when i render it out it always looks dark so this is something im going to have to start taking time out to do and find out how it really works, i think its tricky but its nice to learn whats there to use and how to apply them

3d graphics – cd player

3d graphics - cd player

in the tutorial session, we created a cd player using various different setting but what i found most intriguing was that it all started from being a box and then altering it and re shaping it and all different setting can create this a new option that was introduced was the smooth option both Meshsmooth and turbosmooth which smoothens all the rough edges automatically.

Advanced 3D Modelling from 2D

Advanced 3D Modelling from 2D

in the tutorial session, we created a spline line(smooth ) and a star next to it, then going into geometry objects i selected the loft option on the line and selected the star to get the shape for the line that was created, there are a lot of ideas that come to head that could be created when using the loft option so it is a very useful skill to learn