Animation Assignment Week 1

For the foot I began to do basic skinning following the tutorials by sectioning of parts to each bone by selecting vertices around that bone and giving it 100% effect and then blending them bone for bone till it was all correlating properly once I got the shoe moving correctly I made sure that the ankle bone was being effected by the foot and the pants too. The movement was quite exaggerated the best thing to do was to get it as realistic as possible for example the when the toes curl up it is physically impossible to make such movement I done this myself with my toes and I can curl just a little with shoes on you can barely see the movement. With the foot movement you have too add some effect to the trousers because if you was to make the same movement you would notice this causes movement with the trousers if your toes curl up then you would get creases curl down and it would get a pull

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With the trousers there’s that movement where the trousers curl up I made sure that there was impact and not try and make a sort of curl on this bend because it’s expected through watching people do this movement  there will not be a gap you would get a fold you would have to go in and select a few vertices at a time and move them and adjust until you like what you have done compared to when you do other areas you can just ring the vertices and work that way. Once you get the hang of what to do it doesn’t complicate having to fix each vertices you should always follow the procedure of giving the are around the bone 100% effect to it then blend it with other bones once this has been done you can
Go in and select individual vertices and get it right

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The movement where both legs spread and the full on kick was the trickiest because it would create a bulge in the kick but that’s because I was selecting a lot of different vertices and trying my best to fix it which made it worst once I realized that if I ring and work my way down I can get a very nice blend from the pelvic area to the right thigh.

screen 6

This is physically impossible to for both legs to spread like this but because its a 3D mesh of a zombie exaggerated movement is expected selecting individual vertices was necessary for this movement because you want want good edge flow and a nice stretch to this movement, there should be shared weighting between the pelvic bone and the thigh bone I’m still figuring this out but by the end of the week i want to make sure this is done properly.

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For now i just sectioned off the lower torso area ill move onto that as soon as ive finished skinning the legs

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