Accidents Happen

this is the final video ‘Accidents Happen’ after working effectively in a group of 4, we managed to get what we had planned done, could have been better than what it was and we did fall behind but we still manage to finish it. In this video you will see a wide variety of computer graphics and visual effects hopefully you will enjoy.

Making of ‘Accidents Happen’

This was our presentation for our Group project named ‘Accidents happen’ its made in a documentary style so that it could cover everything we’ve done without going into our presentation and missing out bits and pieces and make a very different unique type of presentation especially for most of us who aren’t presentation friendly, this made it all easier. whats included in the video are all the development content described on how it was done and how it was all built up to the final video.

Hologram Visual Effect

this is another visual effects sequence i create, having the holographic imagery being emitted of glass, how it has this automatic sensor for when no one is around it the video begins playing. Developing the loading signs was a bit tricky but once i learnt it was the easy and a fun effect to learn.

Hologram Visual Effect

I had an idea to have hologram screens emitting of the glass on the footage that we filmed but with my experience and skill level i wasn’t able to get the end product that i had envisioned. although the idea was great not really feeling it. Doesn’t look realistic and i will be looking to spend more time on it and perfecting it but in the meantime this is the first attempt, this early test will help me in the near future and help me develop better animations as im still quite new to the software.